How to cop the Off-White x Air Jordan 2 low

The Off-White x Air Jordan 2 low is no doubt one of 2021’s a lot of unexpected collaborations. first leaked back in the height of summer, rumours dropped left, right, and centre stating that Virgil Abloh was set to work on the underrated Jordan brand silhouette. With all that said, when images of the actual shoes in question were finally revealed, literally nobody could believe what they were seeing.

Designed by the legendary Bruce Kilgore back in 1987, the man who also brought us the Air force 1, Off-White’s take on the AJ2 is based off of two OG colourways. just like the originals, the first pair is painted in a “White” palette while the second opts for a “Black” scheme.

Both are decked out with Abloh’s signature deconstructed elements like technical verbiage and zip-ties. You’ll also find a pre-cracked Nike Air midsole underfoot which is based off of scans from Michael Jordan’s game-worn pair. It’s all rounded off with His Airness’ signature along the ankle, finalising the genuinely one-of-a-kind design.

Set to finally drop on November 12th, it’s safe to assume that the Off-White x Nike Air Jordan 2 will sell out within seconds. If you want a pair in your rotation this season, we’ve compiled a few ideas and tricks on how you can maximise your chances of getting a W later this week!

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Raffle Guide

If you need either Off-White AJ2s in your collection, or even both, the first thing that you need to do is follow us over on Twitter. By following @thesolesupplier, we’ll update you on the current news surrounding the release, while @thesolerestocks will keep you locked in with direct links and potential restock information as well.

Raffles are also essential as well. At this moment in time none are live just yet, but once they do you’ll find them ideal here for the “White” and here for the “Black”. You must expect a pretty limited selection though considering they’re of grail status, so to increase your chances you can try and enter with multiple accounts. with that said, it’s worth noting that some merchants will take money off you first so don’t be alarmed. This is a normal procedure and it’s been implemented to stop bots from applying too lots of times.

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The Jordan 2 Off-White will be launching at 8am on November 12th through Nike SNKRS, so don’t forget to set your alarms and mark your calendars. While they are expected to drop by means of a 15 minute draw, this could be subject to change so make sure you hold tight. If you want to increase your chances of getting a W, you can also borrow a friend or family member’s phone to try your luck!

A top idea for SNKRS is to have all your payment and address info saved and verified. better yet, let your bank know that it’s actually you who’s making the transaction just so they don’t put it on hold.

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Instagram Raffles

If at this stage you still haven’t copped, don’t worry, as we’ve got another pretty good idea for you. load up that IG app ideal now and follow every single merchant that sold the Off-White Air Jordan 2 as they’re known to re-raffle unclaimed pairs. This happens with the majority of hyped drops, so there’s a huge chance that you’ll be able to cop here.

If that doesn’t work out, then you’ve got two a lot more options. You can either go on StockX and get a pair sent straight to your door, or head on over to The Sole Supplier’s dedicated get & sell group on Facebook where you can buy, sell, and even exchange trainers for the pair you want. You probably won’t get them for retail here but we’ve got some pretty good and sincere members so don’t be shocked if you do.

And that’s that! If you follow every single one of these steps, you’ve got a pretty good chance of copping the Off-White x Nike Air Jordan 2 come November 12th! Make sure you keep it locked at The Sole vendor for your best chance to cop, and if you’re not sure what size to get, take a look at our helpful size guide here!

Image by means of yankeekicks


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