The Numbers Behind the Kobe Bryant x Nike partnership

The Kobe Bryant x Nike partnership is officially over. A collaboration that began all the way back in 2005 with the Nike, this was inspired by the renowned Air Huarache which was a sneaker that the Black Mamba was seriously obsessed with. released on Christmas Day, Bryant wore this signature shoe in some of his many renowned scoring moments, including tournaments with the Mavericks and the Raptors where he destroyed them by 62 and 81 points, respectively.

We will always miss Kobe Wan Kenobi and he’ll always have a special place in our heart. As this legendary era concerns a close, we want to take a look back at some of the stats and numbers behind one of the terrific sneaker collaborations of all time. What was his many popular silhouette? Which pairs have the most resale value? You’ll find all the answers best here at The Sole Supplier.

រូបភាពតាមរយៈក្រុមហ៊ុន Nike
The full sneaker Collection

From its initial debut in 2005 all the way to 2021, there have been nearly 600 releases in the Nike x Kobe collection, this implies Bryant has, on average, dropped about 38 colourways every single year for the past 16 years. This is no small feat considering there are very few collaborations that can compete against a partnership of this calibre. modern team up’s with public figures are lucky to last over five years, never mind practically two decades.

The many popular Silhouette

Across these 600 pairs, the Lord Of The Rings has dealt with over 15 silhouettes. While sneakerheads probably think that the most popular one is the Kobe 1, our findings suggest that his popular pair is actually the Kobe AD. If you’re wondering which colourway is the most searched for across Google, it’s the “Wolf Grey” that released in 2017.

រូបភាពតាមរយៈក្រុមហ៊ុន Nike
The highest Resale Value

It ought to come as no surprise when we say that the Kobe 1 has the highest resale value. Arguable Bryant’s many discussed silhouette, collaborations with brands such as premium goods and UNDEFEATED make it, on average, the most important shoe in his entire range.

The many Sought-After Collab

With that said, what’s the most sought-after collab? That title goes to the Devin Booker PE that’s made in partnership with the Phoenix Suns shooting guard. launched back in 2018, some of the prices on secondary marketplaces like StockX are absolutely outrageous which ought to come as no surprise considering this is a player exclusive shoe (£82,901, last time we checked).

Image through UNDEFEATED
The newest Release

The newest Kobe x Nike release is the UNDEFEATED x Kobe 5 Protro “Hall of Fame” which is the spiritual sequel to the UNDEFEATED x Nike Kobe 4 Protro Collection from 2019. one of his final sneakers before the end of the era, it has an average resell price of £356 which is about 123% above its original retail price.


So what’s in-store for the future? before Kobe Bryant tragically passed away, rumour has it that he was already wanting to leave the Swoosh to start his own sneaker brand called Mamba. While this was never officially confirmed, new sources are stating that Vanessa Bryant has filed for 14 trademarks to cover words and phrases such as “Play Gigi’s Way”, “Mamba”, “Mambacita”, “Baby Mambas”, and “Mamba League”. These will allegedly be used across a range of clothing and footwear.

Whether or not this receives the same amount of hype as the Kobe Bryant x Nike partnership remains to be seen, but it will unquestionably be popular amongst real Black Mamba fans.

រូបភាពតាមរយៈក្រុមហ៊ុន Nike

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